Vehicle Maintenance

  • 12 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Vehicle

    hand handing key to someone else

    The best way to keep your car out of the repair facility with major repair problems is to follow a basic vehicle care maintenance schedule. It is recommended that you make general visual inspections and stay on top of vehicle maintenance items. The skilled automotive technicians at Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL can assist with basic vehicle maintenance and more complex repairs. Feel free to give us a call or come by at your convenience if you have any questions.

  • 3 Minutes a Month Can Save Your Transmission

    dipstick on car

    When it comes to transmissions, your fluid level is essential. Too much or too little fluid can affect pressure, cooling abilities, and lubrication. In order to best care for your vehicle, it's important to know what to look for, so from our shop here at Brown Tire & Automotive here are a few tips. 

  • A Guide To Your Vehicles Air Filters

    air filter being added the engine

    Air filters are an important part of vehicle maintenance. What many people don’t realize is you actually have two filters; one for your engine and a cabin filter to filter the air coming into your car. Both of them function the same way but have entirely different purposes. They are often neglected, particularly the cabin filter, and yours may need to be changed right now. This guide, provided by Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, highlights the importance of filters, symptoms of an overused one, and how to maintain them.

  • A Tire For All Seasons Can Be Overwhelming

    Winter/Summer tires

    To some drivers, picking out the right tire is just as important – and just as much fun – as finding the right shoes is to a runner. For many people, they have found that shopping for tires is overwhelming because there are just so many choices. AT Brown Tire & Automotive IN Montgomery, AL, our technicians are ready to help you make that decision.

  • Air Filtration & Why It Is Important

    dirty air filter vs clean filter

    Your vehicle's engine needs clean air to burn the fuel – and it needs a lot of clean air. In fact, a typical vehicle needs about 216,000 gallons of air for every tank of gas. All that air passes through a filter that catches the dust and dirt. Eventually, the filter gets completely full, and because the filter can only hold so much, dirt starts getting through. At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, we ensure you get the best air quality in your vehicle and explain the process of where this dirty air is going to our area drivers. 

  • Are You Dealing With Leaky Hydraulics?

    clutch of vehicle and close up of floorboard

    Does your clutch go flat, rendering your car useless until you fill the reservoir back up? Are you tired of the spongy feeling in your pedal, and the mess on your driveway? At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL, we can fix that for you.

  • Benefits of Auxiliary Transmission Coolers - Does Your Vehicle Need One?

    transmission cooler

    Auxiliary transmission coolers are one of many ways the aftermarket can improve the quality and durability of your vehicle. From Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL, here’s some information concerning auxiliary coolers, why you might need one, and what it can do for you.

  • Benefits to Cleaning or Replacing Your Headlight Assemblies

    man polishing headlights

    In the old days, when your headlight burned out you just replaced the entire thing with a new glass bulb. Modern headlights are plastic assemblies, with a bulb inserted through the back. What this means, is that the plastic lens that light shines through never gets replaced, and eventually will begin to oxidize and deteriorate due to time, weather, and heat from your bulb. Today you will learn when it’s time to fix or replace your headlight assemblies, what options you have in doing so, and what the benefits are.

  • Brake Fluid - It's a Problem! Why??


    There is a reason we check your brake fluid when you come in for a service check.  Maintenance pays big dividends and we want to avoid high repair costs for our Montgomery drivers.  Did you know that brake service isn't just all about the brake pads, drums & rotors?  That we have found low brake fluid to be the cause of a large percentage of brake issues here at Brown Tire & Automotive?  Seriously, brake fluid is an important part of your braking system and with your service intervals being less frequent on the newer vehicles 5,000-10,000 more miles this has become an issue!  Why?...

  • Brake For Great Service

    brake repair

    Brakes are one of the most important components of your vehicle. You need the confidence of knowing that when you press your foot to the brake, your vehicle is going to stop. That's why it's important to keep these tips in mind to help keep your brakes functioning properly. Schedule an appointment with us at Brown Tire & Automotive for a brake service checkup today!

  • Brakes - how do they work?


    At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, we know that in order to keep your car in good shape, it helps to know how it works. Here’s a quick rundown of a system that’s very important, but you take for granted until there’s a problem; your brakes.

  • Buckle Up: It’s the Law

    seat belt

    At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, were huge fans of seatbelts. They dramatically reduce the chances of being injured in an automobile accident, and in many cases, they are the difference between a fatal crash and walking away unharmed. But how long has the seat belt been around? When did wearing it become law?

  • Can You Switch Between Oil Grades?


    These days, it seems like the oil options for your oil changes are limitless - full synthetic, blends, conventional, high mileage, and the list goes on and on. We are frequently asked if it's okay to switch between oils, and how do you know what is okay to use? At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL we're here to help you answer that question. When it comes to engine oil, the answer to this question can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be!

  • Check Engine Light On? We Can Help

    check engine light on in dash

    Is your check engine light on? Whether you can tell a difference in the way your car, truck, or SUV is running, your car is trying to tell you something. At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL, we can help.

  • Choose Us & Treat Your Vehicle Right

    Your vehicle is a vital part of your life; it takes you wherever you need to go and can last you a very long time if taken care of properly. A part of the care it takes to maintain the vehicle is taking it to repair shops in order to receive any necessary maintenance or fix any problems you may be experiencing. By choosing Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL, you can rest assured that your vehicle will get the proper care and maintenance required to remain durable for as long as you need it.

  • Clutch Problems are a Big Problem

    bad clutch

    This is a clutch gone completely wrong and something you want to be sure doesn't happen with your vehicle! So how do you ensure you are not having an issue with your clutch when most drivers simply get in and drive? What do you look for? That is a question many of our customers ask us here at Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery and one this driver did not.

  • Common Problems with Belts and Hoses

    belts and hoses

    Your vehicle's belts and hoses are essential to the cooling, air conditioning and charging systems, and the engine. Don’t take these routine replacement intervals for granted because they can break down and leave you stranded.

    What is the purpose and importance of your belts and hoses? The timing belt keeps the crankshaft and camshaft mechanically synchronized to maintain engine timing. Whether serpentine, V-belt, or fan belt (the belts on the outside of the engine), they all transmit power from the front of the engine to accessories that need to be driven, such as the air conditioning, the charging system, and fans. Radiator and heater hoses carry coolant to and from the engine, radiator, and heater core.

  • Dash Warning Lights

    multiple dash warning lights

    It doesn't matter if you are driving a car or truck, jeep or SUV, a diesel 4x4 or a classic when those dash warning lights go off the first thing you do is think "how bad is it?" and "how much will it cost me?" followed quickly by "when was my last service visit?"!!  Driving your vehicle longer safely is all about getting it serviced based on what your vehicle manual recommends and these warning lights are alerting you to a situation that requires your attention. 

    While not all warning lights are a sign that disaster is imminent, no warning indicator light should ever be ignored!

  • Diagnosing a Bad Brake Master Cylinder

    brakes on car

    Your brake master cylinder is an integral part of your brake system. When one fails, some odd symptoms may arise, and it may be difficult to diagnose. Here’s some information to help you decide if yours has gone bad. At Brown Tire & Automotive in Montgomery, AL we want you to know what to look out for so that you can be safely on the road.

  • Do You Know How Your AC Works?

    hand on car air conditioning vent

    When you get in your car, truck, SUV, or minivan to drive and the A/C does not work what could be wrong? Here at Brown Tire & Automotive, we have some simple answers to help you understand how your vehicle A/C system works. The first question we are asked is "Why isn't my air conditioner blowing cold air?" Let's talk about what could be happening.